• CrownBio

    时间:2021-10-21 16:12:25

    CrownBio brings clarity to drug discovery around the world by helping biopharmaceutical companies solve some of today's most pressing challenges in oncology, inflammation, cardiovascular, and metabolic disease Drug Discovery. Our premier Translational Platforms for cancer, inflammation, and metabolic disease help our clients accelerate their new drug development programs. CrownBio develops world-leading preclinical efficacy models and provides both in vitro and in vivo testing services. We are a global company with facilities across the world in the United States, United Kingdom, China, and Taiwan.

    Phone: 886-2-7718-1690
    Web: https://www.crownbio.com/
    Add:Crown Bioscience, 333 Keelung Road, Xinyi District, Taipei, Taiwan 11012
