时间:2021-10-21 20:19:56

    Medical Research Organization Established in 1967 by a PhD Biochemist/Physiologist turned entrepreneur, NAMSA was the first independent company in the world to focus solely on testing medical device materials for safety. Our mission remains today, as it has been for almost 50 years, to make a scientific contribution to every medical device in the world.As the medical device industry continues to change and grow, NAMSA has recognized the need to change and grow as well. Time and cost to market have become critical components of our Client’s success. For more than a decade, our corporate strategy has included an expansion of our service capabilities in order to better serve our clients. With only laboratory services, we found we could provide real value to our clients, but that value was limited in scope and magnitude. Our vision is to offer the whole range of clinical research organization services necessary to take a medical device from concept through post regulatory approval. And, integrate these services in unique ways that could truly eliminate time and cost from the development process. As we have added clinical, consulting, packaging, new preclinical services, expanded our global reach and more, we have begun to realize that vision and make leaps forward in delivering value to our clients. NAMSA has progressed beyond a Contract Research Organization (CRO) and into, what we call, a Medical Research Organization (MRO); an organization that not only translates great ideas into great medical products, but allows us, as an organization, to leverage our global knowledge and experience to help Clients in any phase of the product development life cycle bring their product to market, anywhere in the world. Today, NAMSA has the capabilities to offer the marketplace practical, integrated and expert end-to-end resources. NAMSA boasts a world-class brand, recognized for supporting medical device safety, efficacy and compliance.

