• Health Decisions

    时间:2021-10-21 19:55:56

    Health Decisions is a full-service CRO specializing in clinical studies of therapeutics for women’s health indications and studies of diagnostics for all therapeutic areas. Health Decisions has focused on women’s health since its inception more than 29 years ago, conducting more than 140 trials in women-only indications such as contraception and postmenopausal vasomotor symptoms. More than a decade ago, Health Decisions expanded into diagnostics studies with a large PMA study of a screening test for high-risk HPV types – the precursors of cervical cancer. Building on the success of the HPV study, Health Decisions has conducted successful diagnostics studies in a variety of other indications in women’s health and beyond, including diagnostics for risk of preterm birth, STIs, a variety of respiratory indications and oncology indications such as colorectal cancer and urothelial carcinoma. Health Decisions has provided services enabling many developers of both women’s health products and diagnostics to meet their development and business goals and looks forward to successful collaborations with many more. We take pride in offering the flexibility to tailor services to each sponsor in a manner that builds on the strengths of both development partners.

    Phone: +1.919.967.1111 Fax: +1.919.967.1145
    Web: https://www.healthdec.com/
    Add:2510 Meridian Pkwy Durham, NC 27713-2260, USA
